| | | June 27, 2010 - Romans 7:15-25 - Message given by Rev. Dennis Cochrane |
| June 20, 2010 - "God´s Righteous Judgment of Deeds" - Romans 2:6-10 |
| June 13, 2010 - " God´s Judgement" - Romans 2 5 |
| June 6, 2010 -"Who Are We To Judge, Part II" - Romans 2:3-4 |
| May 30, 2010 - "Who Are We To Judge, Part 1" - Romans 2:1-2 |
| May 23, 2010 - "What Happens When God Let´s Us Go" - Romans 1:24-32 |
| May 16, 2010 - "Things That Make God Angry, Part III " - Romans 1:18-23 |
| May 9, 2010 - "Things That Make God Angry, Part II" - Romans 1:18-23 |
| May 2, 2010 - "Things That Make God Angry, Part I" - Romans 1:18-23 |
| April 25, 2010 - "Boldness for the Gospel" - Romans 1:16-17 |
| April 18, 2010 - "The Good Preacher" - Ecclesiastes12:9-11 - Message by Pastor V.A. Strong - Capernaum Missionary Baptist Church, Blue Springs, MO |
| April 11, 2010 - "Blessing By Contact" - Mark 10:13-16 |
| April 4, 2010 - "The Resurrection, God´s Plan for Saving Man" - Acts 2:23-24 |
| March 28, 2010 - "Fulfilling Our Purpose" - John 12:27-28 |
| March 21, 2010 - "What Are We Doing? How is the Christian Spending His Day?" Luke 17:22-37 |
| March 14, 2010 - "Moving from a Child to an Heir" - Galatians 4:1-7 |
| March 7, 2010 - "Do We Have a Heart for Ministry? Part II" - Romans 1:8-15 |
| February 28, 2010 - "Do We Have a Heart for Ministry? Part I " - Romans 1:8-15 |
| February 21, 2010 - "Is this Letter for You" - Romans 1:7 |
| February 14, 2010 - " The Heart Needed for Marriage" - Matthew 19:1-8, Mark 10:1-9 |
| February 7, 2010 "The Gospel, God’s Good News, Part III" - Romans 1:1-6 |
| January 31, 2010 - "The Gospel, God’s Good News, Part II" - Romans 1:1-6 |
| January 24, 2010 - "The Gospel, God’s Good News, Part 1" - Romans 1:1-6 |
| January 17, 2010 - "We Must Be a Person of Good News" - Romans 1:1-6 |
| January 10, 2010 - "The Understanding Necessary To Be Used By God" - Romans 1:1 |
| January 4, 2010 - "Empowered for God´s Purpose" - Acts 1:4-8 |