“Man, there are some bold people in the world!” This is often said about people of the world; but, rarely ever said about Christians. Today, we look at a personality or character trait that I pray every Christian has, desires or develops – boldness for Christ, boldness to talk about Christ, boldness to live for Christ. In our text morning, we look at Paul’s bold proclamation about the gospel in his letters to the believers in Rome. Paul knew by now his message wasn’t popular; however, it was necessary. The most important thing to Paul at this point in his life was for him to tell the good news of Jesus Christ.
For Paul, the Gospel was a message that he wasn’t backing down from or backing off of. For Paul, the Gospel was the reason he was set apart. (Romans 1:1). For Paul, the Gospel was the message that he was eager to preach. (Romans 1:15). For Paul, his desire to preach the gospel superseded any fears that he might have.
For Paul, not only was he not ashamed of it; but, he knew it was power. He wrote to the Romans, that it was the power of God. Why not be bold when you know what you are preaching and teaching expresses and demonstrates the power of God. The good news is Jesus Christ has the ability to save anyone who believes. For the Gentiles, for the unsaved, for the rejected, the message was same. It might have gone to the Jews first; but, now it was also for the non-Jew, the Greek.
For Paul, his boldness can be seen in what he was willing to go through for the sake of sharing the good news. We see it in 2 Corinthians 11:18-29. In his second letter to the Corinthians, we see Paul writing what he has gone through for the sake of the gospel. He said, “I have been imprisoned more that any others, beaten times without number, often in danger of death, five times beaten with rods, stoned, shipwrecked three times, in dangers from countrymen, from Gentiles, in dangers in the wilderness and in dangers on the sea”. Despite all this, Paul says if I have to boast or be bold, I will.
What about us today? Are we willing to be bold? Are we willing to go through anything for Christ? We have the right message? Are we willing to tell it? In a world where many are looking for hope, it is hope to the hopeless. It is help to the helpless. This is our challenge today. Can we be bold for Christ?
We must be bold in (1) our attitude toward the gospel and (2) proclaiming the awesomeness of the gospel (3) sharing the availability of the gospel and (4) teaching the accessibility of righteousness through the gospel.
The first point of boldness is we must be bold in our attitude toward the gospel. So many people shy away from telling others about Jesus. They don’t want to be seen as religious fanatics; consequently, they don’t say anything at all. The time has come that we must be bold in our willingness to share the Gospel. We can’t be closet Christians. We can’t be ashamed of telling the message. Boldness requires wanting to please God more than wanting to please others. Boldness requires not worrying about what others think but telling them what God thinks. We must be willing to let God speak through us. We must be willing to tell others how God came into our lives and how God has changed us.
The second point of boldness is we must also realize the awesomeness of the gospel. When we realize that there is power in the Word of God, when we realize that the power of God is there to back up everything he (God) has said, and when we realize that God uses his power to enable us to proclaim his word, we should be bold. The Gospel is the power of God for Salvation. God is the power to everyone who believes. The Gospel is and has a powerful presence in anyone who will hear and obey.
The third point of boldness is we must also realize the availability of the Gospel. God initially revealed his plan through the Jews; however, the Jews rejected God and the good news is now also available to Gentiles. It is the power of God to not only the Jews; but, also to the Gentiles. Born out of wedlock, it is still has power. Born to an unbelieving parent, it is still has power. Born of mixed parents, it is still has power. The gospel is power to all people who believe.
The fourth point of boldness is we must also realize that the gospel gives us access to the righteousness of God. None is righteous, no not one; however, the righteousness of God is revealed to every person who believes. From one person of faith to another person of faith, God reveals and covers us with His righteousness. As the righteousness is made available to us it should compel us to live by faith.
Bold Christians are what God is looking for. Has God found one in you? I leave you with this prayer. Lord, make us bold about you. Lord, make us bold about the message we are to give to others. Give us a passion that allows us to accomplish purpose in our lives. In Jesus name, AMEN!