January 31, 2010 - "The Gospel, God’s Good News, Part II" - Romans 1:1-6

Part II: We Must Realize God’s Promise of Good News
Romans 1:1-6
One of the most critical things about the Gospel and the fact that it is God’s good news is that it is God’s promise to us. Numbers 23:19 says God is not a man that he should lie. What God has promised, He will perform. So as we look at the second part of God’s Good News series. We want believers to focus on the fact that the message that Paul was preparing to bring to the Romans and that God is bringing to us is based on God’s promise. 
In this greeting of this letter, Paul is not only establishing who he is; but, also the fact that he was set apart to share:
1)      Good news that had been promised in the scriptures by the prophets.
2)      Good news concerning God’s Son, Jesus:
a.      Born a descendant of David
b.      Declared the Son of God
c.      Empowered by God
d.      Resurrected from the Dead
e.      Our Lord
Let us look at the good news of God that Paul is addressing at the beginning of his letter to the Romans. Let us look how it relates to the promises made by the prophets and concerning Jesus. 
First of all, for Paul, the message he wanted to share with the Romans was not a new message. It started a long time ago with prophets and now God was calling Paul to continue what the prophets started. From Abraham (Genesis 12) to Isaiah (Isaiah 7:18; 9:6-7) to Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:31-34) to Ezekiel (Ezekiel 36:25-27), God has made and kept the promises He has made to His people.   
Second, let us look at how Paul wrote concerning the promise of good news about Jesus. Jesus is described as the descendant of David. In the Old and New Testament there is God’s Word that says Jesus would be a descendant of the seed of David. For David, God made him a promise in 2 Samuel 7:12-13, which says, “When your days are complete and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your descendant after you, who will come forth from you, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house in My name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.” Jesus Christ is the ultimate fulfilling of God’s promise to David.  (See Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 1:31-33).   
The good of news about Jesus described Him using the title “Son of God”. He would be called the “Son of God” over 30 times throughout the scriptures.   John 1:34 says “I myself have seen, and have testified that this is Son of God.” This title describes His relationship to God and ultimately can be seen through God’s commitment to him from birth to resurrection.
In verse 4, Jesus is the Son of God with power. He not only had power over the grave in His resurrection; but, he displayed the power of healing, changing water to wine, and raising the dead.
Finally, the good news of the gospel of Paul to the Romans focuses on Jesus as our Lord.   The question that is posed to us today, Is Jesus our Lord?   Does he occupy the position of Lord in your life?   If He is Lord in your life, he leads. If he is Lord in your life, He has the last word.   If He is Lord in your life, it is His way and not your way.     Yes, He is Lord and He has risen from the dead; but,  have you said yes Lord. Yes to His will and yes to His Way.  
Today, the challenge to all of us is to accept the good news.   The challenge is for us to recognize that this message started a long time ago.   Paul had the responsibility of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and wanted to share it with the Romans. Now, it is our turn. We have to share the good news of Christ with someone.
I leave you with this prayer. “Lord, help us to embrace the message of Jesus Christ that has been handed down from generation to generation. As we embrace the message in our own lives, let us to be bold and committed enough to share it with others. Lord, I thank you for the seeds of good news that will be planted, watered and then, Lord, we will look for your increase.”   In Jesus Name! Amen