June 20, 2010 - "God´s Righteous Judgment of Deeds" - Romans 2:6-10

Judgment, judgment, judgment! Who are we to judge? As we continue this series of messages looking at judgment. We recognize that we are not here to be the final judge of people. We do have the right to point out what is right or wrong; but, what will be the final outcome is not for us to say; however, the scripture in no uncertain terms definitely lets us know that God will judge man for his deeds.

Today we ask the question, "When life is over and we stand before the righteous "Judge", what will our lives say about us?" A mans deeds or works will say a lot about their true relationship with God. A lot of people talk about being Christians; but, in the end God will judge the deeds of the saved and unsaved.

For the saved, our deeds will be rewarded. For the unsaved, their deeds will confirm what God already knows. He knows who really never had a relationship with Him through our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

What kind of deeds show evidence of a saved man and what kind of deeds characterize an unsaved man. There are four areas of a saved man’s life that God shall judge. The saved man shall be judged for: .




a.Deeds that bring glory to God. Many times in life things that we do don't elevate the presence of God in our lives or in the lives of others. 1Corinthians 6:20 says, "For you have been bought with a price; therefore, glorify God in your body. God will reward us for things that glorify His presence in our lives.

b.Deeds that honor God. When we look at deeds that bring honor to God, they should show the value of God to us and His presence in our lives. Deeds that show we respect God. To honor someone we should live in a way that indicates the impact that they have on us. Has God had an impact in our lives? Do we live as if God is having an impact in our lives? "I Peter 1:7 states, "So that the proof of your faith, being more precious that gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." Are our deeds honoring God?

c. Deeds that pursue immortality with God. Where is our focus? Is our focus on things that are perishable or imperishable, mortal or immortal? Is our focus on the fact that I will live forever with Him? Chapter 15 of first Corinthians gives us a whole dialogue on the day the mortal will put on immortality. Do deeds center around things that are mortal and that have everlasting effects? 

d. Deeds that receive eternal rewards. The last point of focus for the saved man is that he knows that all his rewards will not be earthly, some will be eternal rewards. We will receive our crowns when we get to heaven. A) Crown of life –James 1:12; Revelations 2:10; B) Crown of glory – 1 Peter 5:4; C) Crown of Righteousness – 2 Timothy 4:8. These are just to name a few. What am I working toward? What I am working toward says a lot about whether I am saved or not. Are you saved today? Are you sure?




As I close I ask to you to focus in on these points of application:

Man’s outside behavior is evidence of his internal relationship with God.

Man’s outside behavior is evidence of his commitment to God.

Man’s outside behavior is evidence of his destination with God.

I leave you with this prayer: God, I thank you for your righteous judgment of our deeds for you. While we still have time, help us to turn our hearts and our actions toward your work. Thank you for the rewards that you have prepared for us. In Jesus name, AMEN!