April 11, 2010 - "Blessing By Contact" - Mark 10:13-16


Blessings often come into our lives by contact with God or a person sent by God. For those who are children in a spiritual and a literal sense, it is really important that we surround ourselves with the right people.

In our text, we see a passionate Christ making a strong rebuke against those who hinder children from making contact with him. As the reputation of Christ’s earthly ministry began to grow, more and more people were bringing their children to the Lord for him to bless them. This sounds like what ought to be happening in every church. As we preach and teach Jesus, people ought to be pushing to bringing their children to church.

In the text today, "they" were bringing their children to Him that He might touch them. Man, what a novel idea, people bringing their children to Jesus. Earlier in Mark 9:20, they brought a boy to him for healing. In Mark 9:36 - 37, Jesus took a child, He set him before them and taking him in His arms, He said to them. "Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me".

Leading up to our text today, Jesus had taught several times how important it was for us to expose children to Christ. This idea of bringing children to Jesus used to be a common practice; however, today, we live in a day and time where what used to the standard has now become the exception.

For many reasons, people are no longer bringing their children to church. One of primary reasons that children are not being exposed to Jesus is parents are giving children choices on going to church. Parents ask, do you want to go to church? You don’t ask them if they want to go to school, High school or Sunday School? In the world, there is a law against children not attending school. Well, today there ought to be law against children not attending Sunday School and Church. Children need a touch from Jesus and we need to be bringing, not sending them to Church.

In this text we see people bringing their children to Jesus; however, what was more disturbing to Christ is that his own disciples were trying to hinder them from bringing their children to Him. Christ has furious. He had what is called in religious circles, a righteous indignation. We have a right to be upset about things we know are against the will or desire of Christ our Lord and God our Father.

In the text, these disciples had been walking with Jesus, taught by Jesus and yet they were doing the very thing that Jesus did not want. For us, not only are the parents in the world not bringing their children to church; however, there are church folks, leaders in the church who are not bringing their children to church. They are giving them a choice. I don’t remember having a choice.

Yes, there is a need for worldly knowledge; however, there is definitely a need for spiritual knowledge. As parents today, we have a tremendous responsibility to God and our children to expose ourselves and our children to the right people, people who know Jesus.

The blessing that Jesus associates with the children who are his is that He said the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. For except we come as a child, we cannot even see the kingdom let alone receive the blessing of the kingdom.

Our children are special to Jesus and we have a responsibility to put them in contact with Him and those following Him. As I close there are some things we need to remember:



The responsibility of parents in children receiving their blessing.

A. Bring and not send

B. Worldly people versus godly people

The mistakes Christians can’t afford to make with children toward receiving their blessing.

C. Christians must not forget they represent Christ.

D. Christians must not hinder others from getting to Christ

The passion of Christ for blessing children.

E. The pain we cause Christ while raising our children

F. The anger of Christ toward those who block the blessings of children.


I leave you with this prayer: Lord, help us to bring our children in contact with the right people. May we never do anything that hinders a child’s access to Christ and let us always have the heart of Christ for children. Thank you for blessing our children. In Jesus name, AMEN!