March 7, 2010 - "Do We Have a Heart for Ministry? Part II" - Romans 1:8-15

The longer I stay in ministry and the longer you stay in the church and around church folks you will realize that many folks don’t have a true heart for ministry. Many folks really don’t recognize what ministry is all about. As we continue to answer the question "do we have a heart for ministry", we have to make sure that we are looking at the right examples. Are we looking at the right people? Are our ears open to hearing the word of God?

As we recall from our previous message, there are four things in ministry our hearts need to focus on.
1.      In ministry, we have to be thankful for what God is doing in others’ lives.
2.      In ministry, we must serve others through the spiritual direction of God. 
3.      In ministry, we must be consistently and persistently praying for others.
4.      In ministry we must seek the spiritual fellowship of other believers.
This week, we would like to look at four other concerns that our hearts must have in ministry.
1.       In ministry, we must be seeking to spiritually bless others.    Ministry is about sharing our blessing. God has called us to be a blessing. Ministry is about having a heart that God can use to show the love of Christ working in us. From Genesis to Revelations, God has called us to bless others. He said in Genesis 12:2, “And so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you and, …”   For many of us the blessing of ministry is not coming our way because we don’t have a heart for ministry and therefore our ministry is not blessing others and consequently God is not blessing us through others. So again I ask you the question, “Do you have a heart for ministry?”
        In ministry, we must edify others. For Paul, the ministry involved being a part of what God was trying to do in the lives of others. For many of us, it is what God is trying to do in me. Lord, build me up. We often forget that as we build others up, God will build us up. We often forget that Jesus gave us His life that we might have life.   When God first begins to move in the life of a believer, they need someone to help establish His presence in them. How do they consistently walk with God? How do they deal with the struggles of this life? In ministry, our heart must be on the building up of others. How many of us have asked ourselves lately who can I edify today? What spiritual gift can I impart to someone today? Are we builders? Are we willing to become all things to all people that they might know Christ? Will you help establish the presence of God in someone else’s life?                                
         In ministry, we must be willing to encourage others.   Not only was Paul trying to establish something in the lives of the Romans; but he was also trying to be an encourager. We must have the gift of encouragement or exhortation. (Romans 12:8) If there ever was a heart needed in the church, it is the heart of encouragement. The church is considered the spiritual hospital where the sick, tired, hurting and needy should be able to come and find a word of encouragement. For so many people, they dare not bring their problems to the church or they dare not have God ask them to help others with their problems. We come to the ministry so others can help us, not so God can use us to help others. We come to the ministry with selfish, self-serving hearts instead of hearts that are open to the concerns of others. God change our hearts. In ministry, we must be willing and ready to encourage others.
4.     In ministry, we must be seed planters.   Paul wanted to impart some fruit in the lives of the Romans.   In order to obtain fruit, he needed to plant some seeds.   To see the fruit come to pass in the lives of others, we must be willing to plant and water. Planting and watering is the patience process of sharing the word of God with others, allowing it to take root and nurturing it until God brings about the increase. So many times, we neither want to plant, water nor nurture the Word in people’s lives because the fruit or harvest takes too long. Thank God that the fruit we eat in the grocery store is not dependent on many Christians. We never have the desire or patience to bring about the harvest. We need more planters so that God can ripen the fruit in believers’ lives.
As we come to the close of this week’s message, remember these points of application.
1.       Desire to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of others.
2.       Build people up and don’t’ tear them down.
3.       Help others to be more informed about God.
4.       Be a seed planter.
God bless us to have a real heart for ministry. In Jesus name, Amen!