May 9, 2010 - "Things That Make God Angry, Part II" - Romans 1:18-23

The scripture says “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).   It is one thing to have people come up against us; but, the idea of the wrath of God being revealed against all ungodliness and all unrighteousness is one that should cause believers and non-believers to tremble. When it comes to knowing what makes God angry, the Word of God says “we are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20) The scripture says that what is known about God is evident within them and God made it evident to them. (Roman 1:19) 
Today the challenge is to the church, the church that Jesus died for; not the building, but the body of believers whose sins he bore on the cross.   The challenge is to take what God has made known to us and acknowledge him in our lives by living a life of faith consistent to his Word.  
In today’s message we continue the series of “Things that Make God Angry.”   Today, the scripture cries out for a willful obedience versus a willful disobedience.   Paul, in his letter to the Romans, continues in Romans 21-23 explaining what the people do that causes the wrath of God to be revealed against us.   For the true believer God’s wrath comes from He who is our heavenly Father toward his children whom he has revealed himself and in return expects obedience.   
Over and over in the history of God’s people he has made himself known; however, knowledge of God doesn’t always produce obedience to God.
The text says
1.       They knew God
2.       They did not honor Him as God
3.       They did not give thanks to Him.
Based upon our text, I would look to some “R’s” in attempt to not anger God.
First let’s look at our Relationship with God.   The fact that we have a relationship with God ought to have an effect on our willingness to be obedient to God.   If we know God, if we have an intimate relationship with God, if we have knowledge of His Word, if we have seen his presence in our lives, we should seek to do things that please Him. 
Paul knows that God’s people have a history of not being faithful to the relationship. God established a covenant relationship with Israel yet they were unfaithful. God gave the Gentiles access to him though Jesus and yet they were unfaithful.   Our relationship with God should have a positive effect on our lives, this will result in obedience.    In John 14:15, Jesus says, “if you love me keep my commandments.” Is our relationship to God a priority in our lives?
Not only does there have to be a priority of the relationship; but, there also must be Recognition and Respect. Paul wrote in Romans 1:21, “for even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God”.   From this portion of the scripture we want to emphasize the need to give recognition and respect to Him as God.   In Exodus 20:3 God states that you shall have no other gods before Me. John 17:3 says, “This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. “
The wrath or anger of God is revealed against all unrighteousness and ungodliness when we don’t recognize and respect God as God. He is God and beside Him there is no other. No little god shall steal His glory or honor. All honor and glory belong to him.   He is the only wise God.   Man has and continues to fall short in recognition and respect for God.
The last part of our text says. “or give thanks”. Luke 17:17 ask “where are the nine?” Jesus healed ten; but only one came back to say thank you. Everyday God is moving in our lives; but, do we bother to say thank you!   God brought Israel out of Egypt; but, how quickly they forgot.   Our thanks and gratitude to God is often short lived or never said at all. A quick thank you over our food and maybe when we wake up or lie down at night is all we give God.   How about we pray for a heart that is responsive and reverent to God at all times. How about we pray that from our lips flow thanks instead of complaints? How about our thanks out number our requests?   Thankfulness is both a response and a reverence to God. If we put those two together I am sure God would be pleased.
God, help us not to make you angry. God, help us to have a relationship that recognizes you, is respectful of you, that is responsive to you and reverent because it is you! In Jesus name, Amen.
Points to remember….
We must not continue to do wrong when we know what is right.
We must not continue to accept wrong when we know what is right.
We must not continue to justify our wrong when we know what is right.