Individuals, both non-Christian and Christian can struggle with believing God’s Word.
Believing Jesus for one’s salvation is a head problem versus a heart problem. For the unbeliever, the head gets in the way of accepting Jesus into the heart.
For the believer, there are certain areas in our lives that cause us to struggle when it comes to believing God at His Word because His ways don’t make sense to us. We are a generation that has become too smart for our own good.
In Isaiah 55:8-9, it states “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, declares the Lord”. The Pharisees in our text were the educational elite and the biblical scholars who knew the Old Testament. The idea of a man, whom they classified as a sinner, blinded at birth and now able to see didn’t make sense to them. The idea of a man working on the Sabbath was totally out of the question. Like so many unbelievers, they asked question after question trying to wrap their minds around the work of Christ.
Matthew 15:58 states “And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief”. Many of us need to pray Lord help my unbelief.
Points to Remember:
1. The unbeliever has seen the works of Jesus, but struggles with giving God the glory for the works.
2. The unbeliever’s struggles with recognizing the voice of God.
Telling other about the works of Jesus will help them to recognize Him and to glorify God in their lives. Here are some principles to apply in our lives.
1. We must not take credit for the good works we see in our lives.
2. We must recognize that the source of all that is good is God.
3. If what is in our spirit agrees with the Word of God, we can acknowledge we are hearing the voice of God.
Struggles are intended to make us strong. Romans 8:18 says “the suffering of present time cannot be compared to the glory of God that shall be revealed in us”.
I pray that in our struggles we can hear, see and acknowledge the presence of God in our lives. I pray that we can embrace our struggles, take God at His word and watch Him make himself plain and clear to us. God, we thank you in advance for your manifestation in our lives. In Jesus Name, AMEN