For many of us, we have been rejected by people. People often do not accept us because of our backgrounds, our past failures or our current conditions and circumstances. This morning, I challenge you to forget about people, to forget about depending on people for things; but, more importantly have our relationships right with God.
In verse 31 of our text this morning, the Pharisees tell the blind man that God does not hear sinners; but, if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him. This is an interesting statement coming from men who do not honor nor fear God. The message is true; however their motives were wrong. Many times in life, God can use the most unlikely of sources to deliver his message.
What I am most concerned about for believers this morning is not that they be accepted by men; but, that they not be rejected by God. In the book of James chapter four, there are some directions that relate to going to God and God hearing and answering our prayers.
Many times I hear people quote and read the scripture, “you have not because you asked not” and yet they are frustrated when they pray and God does not answer their prayers. Many times preachers, pastors, leaders, and pew members take a piece of scripture and use it out of context to fit their needs. James 4:3 puts our asking in greater perspective because it says “You ask and do not receive because you ask with wrong motives”.
Many times our prayers are not right because our hearts are not right with God or our fellow man. We should not expect that God answers the prayers that come from a heart whose motives or desires are not in line with God. James states “ you cannot be friends with the world and friends with God”. A friend of the world is an enemy of God. For Christians, we cannot straddle the fence. One day we are all for God and the lifestyle he wants us to live and the next day our motives are driven by the flesh, our desires and the priorities of the world.
God calls people whose heart is turned to the world, “adulterers”. Simply stated, we are cheating on God. We want to be in a relationship with God and yet we want to spend time with someone or something else. We wouldn’t accept that; therefore, why do we think that God wants to accept that kind of relationship. He doesn’t and He won’t; consequently we are rejected by God. He doesn’t answer our prayers. We don’t receive the blessings we should receive.
James chapter four goes on to say, “Do you think that the scripture speaks to no purpose?” “Do we think that God is joking in His statements in the scriptures?” God many times has challenged us to “try Him”. In this relationship, he desires to spend time with us. Our hearts should be totally in love with Him and our spirits should be in line with His Spirit.
For many, it is a matter of humbling ourselves before the mighty hand of God, that he might exalt us in due time. (1 Peter 5:6). James 4:6 says;”He opposes the proud; however He gives “greater grace” to the humble”. Wouldn’t we like to have greater grace from God? Wouldn’t we like to have greater favor from God? The idea that we can be accepted by God, that he would open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing to us. Wouldn’t that be awesome to receive?
Below are points I would like us to remember in this week’s message.
1. Christ was rejected by men because
a. Of where he was from
b. Of what he did
2. The Blind man was rejected by men because
a. Of his birth
b. Of what he taught or proclaimed
3. We will be accepted by Christ if
a. Our hearts are right with Christ
b. Humble our lives before Christ
c. Our motives are right
I leave you with this prayer. God, bless us that we might receive your greater grace. If we have been untrue to our relationship with you, please forgive us right now in the name of Jesus. We thank you in advance for the things you are going to do in our lives. We humbly submit our lives to you. In the name of Jesus we pray, AMEN.