November 15, 2009 - "Jesus is the Door" John 10:1-10

How do you gain access to the things of God?   Many people seek so many avenues and yet they end up at a dead end.  Many are, as Jesus describe, a sheep without a shepherd.  What if you knew the key? What if you knew the door of life to walk through that would open up a world of possibilities. That door is Jesus. Jesus says in John 10, I am the door. I am the door that my sheep can enter.
In the text this morning, Jesus tries to explain to those who are spiritually blind that as a sheep enters the door of a sheep gate to green pasture, so can the believer. For many the problem is they want to go some other way; however, Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way,” meaning you cannot gain access to what he was offering any other way. So what was Jesus offering?
Today, I would like to focus on three things that concern Jesus and his role as a door in our lives. First the door is Jesus and Jesus is the opening, the access to eternal life. If we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts that Jesus was raised from the dead we can be saved. There is no other name under heaven by which men can be saved. There are many doors in life that will lead to different destinations; however, only one door leads to salvation and eternal life and that door is Jesus.  
The second function of Jesus, as the door, is he is an obstacle for many. People have the idea that Jesus is the savior, is a truth opening of a life that they don’t want to enter. Many want the things of Christ; however, instead of going through the door to get them, Jesus says, “they are as thieves and robbers”. They try to access the possessions through some other way. Why not go through the door? The windows of life are closed. There is no access through a side door. So for many, Jesus is an obstacle instead of an opportunity.
Thirdly, for the believer, Jesus is not only the door to salvation; he is also the door to life more abundantly. So many people are really not living or they are not living life to the extent that God would have them live. Many are lacking both physically and spiritually.   Physically, the earth is the Lord’s and its fullness. Spiritually, we can have an abundance of joy, peace, patience, perseverance, and other spiritual fruit. Do you want an abundance of what Christ has to offer or do you just want to get by?  

For all who believe, Jesus offers an opening, an opportunity, and a potential of overflow in our lives. As I depart this message, I leave you with this prayer. Lord, be a door in our lives. Lord, give us access to not only salvation; but, a life of abundance. Let us enjoy the things that you have prepared for us from the beginning. Thank you for a life that is only made possible through you. In Jesus Name, AMEN