Allen D. Smith, Pastor
New Member Information Packet
Making the commitment to be “a member of the family” is just the first step in your Christian journey in which we are happy to assist. We hope you have seen a genuine love for the Lord as you have been attending our services. We want to be a church where “Everybody is somebody and Christ is All”, and one that honors God and meets the needs of His people.
As you begin this new journey with us, we welcome you into our family and we know you will enjoy the initial phase of the Membership Orientation, which is mandatory for every new member. This New Member Information Packet will serve as a refresher for some and for others will contain new and vital information to assist you in growing in your Christian faith. This New Member Information Packet gives the key Biblical truths for all believers as well as information on what our church is about.
Youth (ages 6-12) → Discuss the “Romans Road” overview located below with your parents, guardian or church leader.
1. Teenagers and Adults (13 and older) → Carefully review this entire New Member Information Packet.
2. Log on to and…
a. Review information about SJMBC
b. Review the Pastor’s page and gain insight into this man of GOD
c. Review the Youth Pastor’s page and get to know him
d. Review Ministries / Music Ministry
You matter at SJMBC; we do not want you to join and gradually vanish. We desire that all members become “ACTIVE” members. Get involved, sprout some roots and grow with us. Serving God is a rewarding experience!
Our prayer is that as you join hands with the body of Christ at SJMBC and allow the Word of God to speak to your heart that we will become the church He wants us to be.
SJMBC Deacon Board
It’s all about THE ROMANS ROAD…
· Romans 3:23
· Romans 5:8
· Romans 6:23
· Romans 10:9
· John 3:16
What does it mean to be a member of SMJBC…
Membership is important because it unites the body of Christ TOGETHER. It is not meant, in any way, to divide members from those attending, but to unite a family of baptized believers who are willing to commit to become an active part of the Church and its vision. It has become common for people to want to just “attend” church without making a commitment to serve in the church. Membership allows and employs us to participate and engage, not consume and observe. Any follower of Christ is invited to become a member of SJMBC. In covenanting with us, you both agree to and adopt our shared values, beliefs, and INTENTIONAL way of living.
We are a multi-cultural congregation that welcomes you to come and praise the Lord with us; for He is worthy of ALL our praise.
Baptism or ‘baptizo’ (Greek) = to immerse in a body of water
We do not believe that baptism saves you, or washes away your sin. It is an ordinance that Christ advised us to do. We customarily baptize on the 1st Sunday of the month, or when applicable.
We are aware that there are people who come from different backgrounds with different understandings of baptism. Our understanding is that baptism is by full immersion and after your profession of faith.
As for infants we practice child dedications on infants and young children. When a child makes a choice to follow Jesus, they have the opportunity to declare to others that decision of Jesus being the Lord of their life through baptism.
Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church. The pastor is the Under-Shepherd, and the Deacons are to assist the pastor in carrying out the wishes of the church and the vision that God has given the pastor for the church. All other officers of the church are in place to help carry out the work of the church and they are non-scriptural.
“Elder/Pastor”, from the Greek word presbuteros refers to a spiritually mature person with wisdom who guides God’s people.
Finally, it is our objective to fulfill the last commandment that Jesus gave here on earth… “Great Commission,”:
“And Jesus came and spake unto them saying, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." (Matthew 28:18-20)
How are we to give?
- Sacrificially. (We do not tip God)
- Proportionately. (1 Cor. 16:1-3)
- Gladly and generously. (2 Cor. 8:8-9)
- The best of what we have. (Rom. 12:1)
- Giving shapes our heart.
- We cannot serve both God and money. – Mt. 6:24
- Giving shows our obedience to God.
- Generosity is a key feature of our discipleship to Jesus.
- We are held accountable for how we use our lives and our possessions. Romans 14:12; 2 Cor. 5:10; Mt. 25:14-30
- Because all we have is God’s; we are only managers of His resources. Luke 16:19-31; Ex. 19:5-6; Job 41:11 Ps. 24:1; Hag. 2:8; Deut. 8:18; 1 Cor. 6:19,20
Men’s bible study Tuesday nights 6pm- 7pm
Women’s bible study Tuesday nights 6:30pm-7:30pm
Adult bible study Wednesday morning 10:30am-11:30am
Bible study classes (all ages) Wednesday nights 6pm-7pm
Thursday nights 6pm-7pm
WOW- Worship on Wednesday, dinner at 5:30pm children’s classes begin at 6pm
Sunday school: Every Sunday morning at 9am all ages. Breakfast is served at 8:30am
Please read the description of the following ministries of SJMBC. We ask you to pray to God for guidance to the ministry that will help you fulfill the mission of the church, and exercise the gifts that God has given you to help lead lost souls to the Kingdom of God. Please contact the ministry department leader for information about joining that particular ministry.
- Deacon Ministry
- The Deacon Ministry is responsible for ministering to the needs of church members and offering support to the pastor according to Acts 6:1-8 and I Timothy 3:1-8. Please refer to the church by-laws for qualifications for becoming a member of the Deacon Ministry.
- Deaconess Ministry
- The Deaconess Ministry is responsible for assisting the Deacon in ministering to the needs of the church members. The Deaconesses also prepare the communion elements and take care of the Communion glasses and linen. This Ministry helps the Deacons confirm candidates for baptism as well as providing “after care” of new converts. They also counsel young women of the church and community, visit the sick and shut-ins and administer services as needed.
- Trustee Ministry
- The Trustee Ministry is responsible for the overall administration of church affairs to include, but are not limited to, all financial matters, church planning, church upkeep to include structures owned and operated by the church, church operations, financial oversight of church auxiliary functions, membership business affairs, and overall support and implementation of the mission of the church. Please refer to the church by-laws for qualifications for becoming a member of the Trustee Ministry.
- Minister of Music
- The minister of music organizes and leads the Music Ministry of the church and assists the pastor during worship services. Our church currently has a praise team and four choirs: mass choir, male choir, adult choir, and a youth choir. Each member is encouraged to become a member of the music department.
- Sunday School Superintendent
- The Sunday School superintendent leads and oversees the ministry of the Sunday School. The superintendent ensures proper staffing, training and operation of the department. The church currently has ten Sunday school classes: Nursery (ages 0 – 3), Elementary (ages 4-9), Juniors (ages 10-13), Youth (14 – 18), Encouragers, Abigail’s, Truth Seekers, Men’s, Married, and new members class. Each member is encouraged to attend Sunday school each week.
- Hospitality/Food Service Director
- The Food Service Director is responsible for planning and coordinating all meals served on church grounds. This includes working in conjunction with the Fellowship Coordinator when fellowship events involve meals. Any member who is interested in assisting this ministry is encouraged to contact the food service director.
- Ushers
- The Usher Ministry regularly participates in worship services and assists with literature distribution; welcoming, directing and seating guests and others as needed; and collecting offerings. Any person interested in joining the Usher Ministry please contact the Usher President.
- Mission and Evangelism Ministry
- The Missionary Society leads the effort to maintain a comprehensive mission’s program in the church and is responsible for exploring mission opportunities, keeping the church informed regarding potential and ongoing missions involvement and serving as a liaison between the church and missionaries. Each member is encouraged to join the Missionary Society.
- Transportation Ministry
- The Transportation Ministry is responsible for safely transporting participants to and from church-related or church-sponsored activities. All drivers must have a current SCDL. Please contact Transportation Ministry President in order to join.
- Audio/Video Ministry
- The Audio/Video Ministry will record messages and special music presented during regular church worship services and occasional special services; keep an organized library of CD and DVD recordings; provide duplicate CDs and DVDs for the Audio/Video Ministry, which provides recordings for people who are unable to attend services or who desire to share messages with others. Any person interested in joining is asked to contact the Audio/Video Ministry Director.
- Youth Ministry
- The Youth Advisors/Youth Ministry is responsible for providing supervision and assisting the youth activities coordinator as needed during activities that promote fun, fellowship, spiritual development and ministry involvement among youth.
- Laymen Ministry
- The Brotherhood Ministry (a.k.a. Laymen)organizes and leads the ministry that builds up and helps the men of the church become spiritual leaders and provides an avenue of outreach to men in the community.
- Nursery
- The nursery caregivers provide proper care and nurturing to babies and toddlers (ages 0-3) during church services and special events.