May 24, 2009 - "Embracing My Current Circumstances" - Philippians 4:10-13


Many people in life will tell you they are content with where they are in life; however, when you really examine their lives, their attitude, and their spiritual disposition; they really are just tolerating the current situation. In our text for this morning’s message, Paul is telling the Philippians that he has come to a spiritual peace that is contingent on nothing  but his relationship with Christ. 
For many Christians, peace in their lives is based on so many things and so many people that we are never satisfied.   In this text, Paul is rejoicing because he has reached a state of mind that, I can only pray, that we come to reach. In reaching this spiritual place, there are a couple things we must accept about people in our lives. We must accept:
  1. There are times that people are not concerned about our situation.
  2. There are times when people are concerned; however, they do not have the opportunity or the means to help us.
The Philippians had revived their concern which implies it was at one time not there. The Philippians were the people that Paul cared about the most and they would sometimes support him when others would not; however, sometimes in life there are family, close friends and even companions who appear not to be as concerned about our situation as we think they should be. We tend to get upset when they don’t care as much as we care about something. Today, I say leave it alone. Don’t worry if they don’t seem to be as worried as you are. Take it to the Lord. He is your source. He is the answer.
In addition, there are also situations where people are concerned; however, they do not have the means or there was not an opportunity for them to help you. You feel all alone; however, with God you are never alone. 
In this morning’s text, Paul makes some strong declarations. He declares:
1.                  I have learned to be content
2.                  I know how to live in humble means
3.                  I know how to live in prosperity
4.                  I have learned the secret of being filled
5.                  I have learned the secret of going hungry
6.                  I can do all things through Christ
Life is not about everything going our way. It is not about having everything we want. It is about embracing wherever we are and whatever we have. It’s about seeing Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit’s presence in all things. 
I leave you with this prayer. Lord, help us to embrace every situation in our lives. Lord, whether we are up or down, whether we have abundance or lack, whether we are hungry or full; let us rejoice in you.   In Jesus’ name we pray. AMEN