This week's message is our monthly youth message; however, it has application for all of our readers. In the first chapter of the book Jeremiah, we see an area that every Christian has to address which is fear. In the calling upon Jeremiah's life, God tells him not to be afraid of "them". God knows his fear because Jeremiah makes excuses about what God has called him to do.
We must recognize that our physical abilities are not the determining factor for us achieving God's purpose for our lives. We have to realize that not only did God know Jeremiah from his mother's womb; but, He also knows us. For our young people, there can be no excuses. The Bible tells us that Jeremiah could have been a teenager at the time God came to him. God is not trying to hear excuses because of youth or ability. God wants yes for an answer.
Ending prayer:
Lord help us as young people and adults recognize that we have a calling upon our lives. Let us always be mindfull of the fact that God knows who He is calling and He has gifted us for our call. Let us be confident in God's ability to work through us. Let us embrace our calling. Let us realize ther our saying yes could be the key to someone else's blessing.
Therefore, God we thank you for the divine calling upon our lives. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN