Lesson #5
- What are the three scriptures demonstrating you have God’s preserved Word in your hands?
- Proverbs 30:6
- Matthew 5:17-18
Isaiah 40:8
- According to II Peter 1:16-21, the Bible is more sure than the audible voice of God. The Bible judges all of our experiences because it is an infallible standard.
- The Word of God is active in our salvation. Briefly explain how the following verses apply.
- I Peter 1:23 The Word of God is an agent which brings about new birth.
- Romans 10:17 Actively increasing our faith; for by grace are we saved through faith.
- James 1:21 The Word of God is able to save our soul.
- Paul lists three key elements of the Gospel in I Corinthians 15:1-4. How do we know they are true? (According to the scriptures, which are infallible)
- Jesus Christ died for our sins
- Jesus Christ was buried
- Jesus Christ rose from the dead
- We learned from lesson #4 that the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. The Bible is also learned by comparing scripture with scripture and depending on God’s Spirit to teach you.
- According to I Corinthians 2:9-16, why can’t lost people properly understand what the Bible teaches?
Because the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God.The Spirit of God helps him to discern the things of God.The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth.
- The Bible is likened to God’s “owner’s manual” for your life. Briefly explain why this is true.
It gives you clear exact directions on how to live.(John 14:26; 16:13-15)
- What are the major purposes of the Word of God in the Christian’s life?
- The Word of God equips you for service.
- The Word of God sustains you.
- The Word of God keeps you clean to please God.
- From II Timothy 3:16-17, we understand that all scripture is profitable for the following:
- Doctrine
- Reproof
- Correction
- Instruction
- Your physical body needs food in order to function properly. Your spiritual body needs food also. Give two scripture references that show us this.
- I Peter 2:2
- Psalm 119:103
- Briefly explain the primary purpose of this lesson.