Lesson #3
- Give the key reason why God instructs the Christian to be baptized.
- In Matthew 3:13-15 Jesus was baptized to demonstrate his obedience and
submission to God and His plan. Jesus fulfilled this before He began His public ministry.
- List three men who were baptized after salvation in the New Testament.
- The Ethiopian eunuch. Acts 8:36-39
- Apostle Paul. Acts 9:18
- Phillipian jailer. Acts 16:25-33
- What are the purposes for baptism found in Romans 6:3-4?
- It pictures the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.
- It identifies us with Jesus Christ.
- Acts 8:36-37 the Ethiopian eunuch had to fulfill two requirements before
He could be baptized.What were the two requirements?
- Belief
- Confession
- How do we know the Ethiopian eunuch and Jesus were not baptized by
sprinkling of water?
- The Ethiopian eunuch went down into the water. Acts 8:26-39
- Jesus was baptized in the same manner. Matthew 3:16
- What does baptism by complete immersion in water picture?
Death, burial, and resurrection.
- Baptism is essential in order for the Christian to service/serve and spiritual
growth. Also, one must be willing to submit to baptism in order to be taught to follow Jesus Christ.
- Is baptism essential for salvation? No
Give a scripture reference that explains this.
Ephesians 2:8, 9
- Briefly explain the primary purpose of this lesson.
To give a clear and definitive teaching on Baptism.