Lesson #11
- Does the amount of wealth you have determine whether or not God is pleased with you? No Briefly explain. Wealth or the lack of it does not affect your relationship with God.
- What can we learn about man and money from I Timothy 6:10?
Contentment is great gain.(I Timothy 6:6, Phillippians 4:12)
- Two men in the Bible who were very wealthy had an attitude that was uncommon among others. What was so different about their attitude concerning wealth?
- Solomon - (Ecclesiastes 12:13) It is more important to please God and keep his commandments.
- Job – The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. (Job 1:20)
- List five wrong attitudes toward money that will interfere with your relationship with God. Give a scripture verse that helps you best understand each wrong attitude.
- You must trust in God rather than in wealth or possessions. (Proverbs 11:28)
- You must set your affection on heavenly treasures. (Matthew 6:19-21)
- You must not measure your own or another’s spiritual walk by material possessions. (Luke 12:32)
- You must not set your objective in life to earn as much money as possible. (Proverbs 23:4)
- You must trust God to provide needs rather than think you can provide for yourself. (Phillippians 4:19)
- What is the most important attitude you should develop toward physical possessions?
To be content with what you have and to realize whatever you have is a blessing.
- What does the apostle Paul teach us through the attitude displayed in the following verses?
- Hebrews 13:5 To be content with our possessions
- I Timothy 6:8 Possess godliness with contentment (attitude)
- Phillipians 4:11 To be content in whatever state we find ourselves in
- List six important things that money cannot buy and that only God can give you.
- Wisdom (Proverbs 16:16)
- A righteous life (Proverbs 28:6, 16:8; Psalm 37:16)
- A good night’s sleep (Ecclesiastes 5:12)
- God’s Word (Psalm 119:14)
- Good health (Luke 8:43)
- Quietness and peace(Ecclesiastes 4:6)
- List five other attitudes you should develop toward money and physical possessions.
- Don’t forget God if he blesses you physically (Deuteronomy 6:10-12)
- If God takes away your wealth, your relationship with Him should be the same (Job 1:20-22)
- Don’t be envious of someone else’s wealth (Psalm 49:16-17; Exodus 20:17)
- Stay away from get rich schemes (Proverbs 20:21)
- Strike a proper balance in your attitude toward money and possessions (Proverbs 11:1)
- God promises to provide your needs, not necessarily your wants. Your needs are both physical as well as spiritual. Give some examples of your needs and wants. Use the verses provided for each on page 7 as well as your own personal studies.
Needs: Clothing, daily food
Wants:A shepherd to guide and protect; a constant companion
- Briefly explain the primary purpose of this lesson.
To determine how God would have you deal with your attitude toward physical possessions in light of Biblical principles.