One of the most important questions that every Christian can ask themselves or ask about a situation is whether what they are seeing or whether what they are doing is a work of God. It should be the desire of every believer to know if they are seeing a work of God or if they are doing the work of God. But, how do we know? How do we know if what we are doing or what we are seeing is a work of God? This morning our text is intended to provide the believer with some insight on these questions.
In John 9:1-5, Jesus provides a prospective we should take about every negative situation in our lives:
1. A negative situation doesn’t have to be because you have done something wrong.
2. A negative situation doesn’t have to be because something your parents or someone close to you has done something wrong.
Because God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts, Jesus answers a question about a man who had been born blind. Blindness or any other negative situation that God has not removed from our lives in our time may not be because we or someone else has done something wrong. God’s purpose might be so we can we can see what is the real work of God, to get us to believe in Him and the Son He has sent. God has revealed, is revealing, and He continues to reveal Himself to us. In John 6:28-29, it states, “Therefore they said to him, ‘What shall we do so that we may work the works of God?’ Jesus answered and said to them, ‘This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.’ “
So the question I ask you, do you believe? God has always been trying to get His people to believe. He showed many signs to the children of
In verse 4 of our text Jesus says, “I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day for night comes when no man can work.” We must do the works of Him. We must do the works of God. Our purpose in life must be to do the works of Him to help people believe in Him.
The works of Him display Him and, ultimately, help people believe in Him. We must ask ourselves some questions:
A. Is what I am doing a work of God?
B. Are we determined to do the work of God?
C. Do we realize that He sent us to do His work?
D. Do we realize that we have a limited time to do His work?
There are three goals that I believe a Christian should set for themselves from the text of the message. We should seek to:
1. Understand the works of God;
2. See the works of God displayed in our lives;
3. Do the works of God in our lives.
I end this message with this prayer,
Lord, help us to know Your works and to display Your works in our lives. Lord, help us to know your works and display Your works in our lives that people might believe in Jesus and have eternal life. Lord, help us display Your works in our lives so that people might believe in You in the everyday situations of their lives. Thank you, Lord, for every believer. In Jesus name, AMEN.