December 27,2009 - " A Worrier or a Worshiper" - Matthew 2:1-12

As we look back at the celebration of the birth of Christ and we look forward to the up coming year, the birth of Christ put and should put people into two categories. We either have to be worshippers or we are worriers.
For those who were not in their God ordained position, they would become worriers. For those who knew that Jesus was coming to take his God ordained position, they would become worshippers. 
If we are where God would have us to be, we don’t have anything to worry about when Jesus comes to set things in order. Worriers can be defined as those not in their God assigned position. The worrier’s actions will tell you that he is worried. Let’s look at Herod, the worrier in our text this morning. When Jesus begins showing up in a situation, worriers (Herod) 
i.                     Have to gather folks together
ii.                   Act in secret
For those in leadership, we should really make sure that our lives are lined up with the word of God. To whom much is given much is required. Herod had to he was the king but not the true King. Herod was worried because he had forced his way into power; however, Jesus has all power.
For the true worshipper, the coming of Jesus is a time to gather people together, not to plot and scheme, but it is a time to worship. For the worshipper, it is a time to turn from earthly wise men to spiritual worshippers. The “wise men” who came to worship Him, they didn’t start out as worshippers; however, as God shows up in our lives, our motives change, our actions change and ultimately our lives change. 
            For earthly leaders, here are some points we should remember:
1.      Earthly leadership should worry when it is not lined up with God.
2.      People associated with the wrong leadership should worry.
3.       Heavenly authority will always win out over earthly authority.
I leave you with this prayer. Lord, help us to line up with you so we don’t have to be worriers, but worshippers. Lord, help us to worship you in spirit and in truth. Thank you Lord, for in this New Year, we shall be better worshippers and less worriers. In Jesus name, Amen!