For most Christians, one of the most difficult things to deal with is when God begins to move in your life and the people around you doubt the changes that God has made and is making in your life. In John chapter 9, we see a man who had been blind since birth. However, through the power of the Jesus Christ, he was now able to see. For many us there are conditions, both physical and spiritual, that have existed and only Jesus coming into our lives has changed or can change them. For many Christians, though, the people in their lives don’t believe the change, don’t understand the change, and don’t believe in the One who made the change in their lives.
In this morning’s text, we see a man who had been physically blind all his life. But, after the anointing of Christ, he could now see. What Jesus was doing in his life was not just about him physically seeing, it was also about him and others believing in Jesus, the Savior, the Son of Man and God. Whenever Jesus does something physical in our lives, it always has a spiritual purpose connected to it. As Jesus physically does things in our lives, we should become spiritually closer to him. Jesus said in John 9:3, “It was neither that this man sinned nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”
Today’s message is to caution, remind, and inform believers that as God begins to display His works in your life, you should expect that people around you will not all believe.
For the blind man:
1. The neighbors did not believe. The blind man’s neighbors saw him as the beggar who always sat by the road, begging. Now, like the blind man, when Jesus comes into our lives, we turn from being the beggar to being the blessed. The formerly-blind man was not only blessed with physical sight, he also was now blessed with a new spiritual relationship with Christ because he believed.
2. Others were saying he was like the original beggar; but, he just couldn’t possibly be the same person. Jesus makes changes that cause others to not even recognize us for who we are now versus who we used to be. Sometimes the changes that Jesus makes in our lives are so dramatic that it is hard for others to believe they are real. We, as believers, have to keep telling others that, “See, I am the same person who used to be a whoremonger, a drug addict, a thief, or a liar. But since Jesus came in to my life, I am no longer the same.”
3. Religious folks like the Pharisees were told how the formerly-blind man received his sight. However, when he told them Jesus had given him his sight, they refused to give Him the glory. For us, it’s okay when folks don’t want to believe; when folks don’t want to give Jesus the praise, honor and glory for the change that Jesus has brought in to our lives. It is on us to give glory, thanks, and honor to Him for what He’s done.
For today’s text there a few points we need to grasp.
1. People may always see you as you were and not necessarily as you are.
2. People may not accept who Christ has made you to be.
3. People don’t understand or don’t want to understand the process that God took you through to change you.
4. People may not believe and never know Christ as you know Him.
If we can keep these points in mind, we can have peace about our relationship with others, no matter what they believe or don’t believe. When must overcome the doubters in our lives through consistent application. Our applications points for this week:
1. When I have been changed by Christ, it means that I must be obedient to Christ in all things.
2. When I have been changed by Christ, it doesn’t matter how others see me.
3. When I have been changed by Christ, I can’t be discouraged by what neighbors or others believe or do not believe.
4. When you have been changed by Christ, what matters is that you give Him the glory.
As we close this week’s message, I leave you with this prayer.
Lord help us to accept the fact that people in our lives may not believe, receive or understand the change that You are bringing about in us. Lord, do not let us waver in our belief in You. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN!